Hi from Manchester, UK

Hi everyone, just thought i would join this site today for some more inspiration :-)
I am fairly new to the weight loss world, but as I week 4 I have lost 7lbs, still many more to go before I reach my goal.
Looking forward to this site, it looks fantastic & for making new motivational friends.

Feel free to chat to me I dont bite..................I am dieting :-)


  • FattyMcBigbum
    Feel free to chat to me I dont bite..................I am dieting :-)

    Haha love it!

    Welcome and good luck with your goals x
  • Kamila02
    Kamila02 Posts: 54 Member
    I am kinda new here too! You're going to love this place. I find advice, direction, and motiviation!

    The calorie counter is FANTASTIC!

    You'll soon be hooked!

    I had been dieting and working out before, but when I joined this site, I began SEEING my body change! I learned portion control, about hidden calories I was consuming in my day, and what is good to eat and what is NOT!

    Good Luck! Hope you find it helpful here!
  • popplylily
    popplylily Posts: 97
    well you both managed to make me laugh today, fatty big bum lady and new lady!
    hey from norwich!! xxx feel free to add me! xxx id stay and chat now but im off to dinns!