SOME THINGS TO KNOW There is no such thing as spot reduction. When doing abs, you should be doing 35% ribs to hips and 10% hips to ribs. You should always keep a neutral spine. The action is never worth it if the risks outweigh the benefits. Lunges, or any exercise where it's necessary to bend at the knees, your knees…
I'm looking for a penpal...more like email pal though. :) I would like to make new friends with other females who I have things in common with and who are also focusing on their weightloss. Anyone? Name: Veronica Tumblr: Age: 20 Student: Missouri Southern State Univ. Major: Health Promotion.
I am completely terrified to get on the scale. I have this fear that the weight will randomly all come back to me. Even if I keep eating right and working out. Even though it's already worked for I'm still terrified of even seeing a 1 lb gain :( This fear has got to disappear so I can do a weigh in already!!!!
If so, we have a lot in common, add me :) I love meeting new people and I love all the motivation on this site, so I'd love to hear from all of you.
I'm a student here and was wondering if there were any fellow students on a dieting journey with me!
Hey everyone! I'm having a bunch of friends over for my husband's 24th birthday. I want to cook something that's good for my diet but is something they'll all want to eat and find delicious. Any suggestions?! add me.