For me all is going well, eating well and working out. I finding out alot more about food intolerences I have. Food season is coming up so it will take more restraint but Im sure I can manage
Stricked paleo would be anything that you could find camping in the woods would be genetially acceptable for us to eat. Ive always said it it had a face on it at one time it is good (aside from processed meats). I add the greens and and fruit about 3 times a week. If I don't eat greens I drink "Green Vibrence . You can…
I went to the movies with the family and in the past I would consume a large popcorn, and hotdog and candy. I was very surprised that I did not have the taste for it. I could only eat a coupe handful of popcorn and 1/2 the hotdog and some Woppers. It just did not taste good to me like it had in the past. I am very pleased.…
I eat about 2400 +- a day. I love eggs and eat them in the am, steak or chicket for lunch. dinner is usally BBQ chicken thights, Korean BBQ ribs, BBQ baby back ribs, steak Pork chops. I do like popcorn for snacks at night (kettle cooked with tobasco sauce). My cheat day (now foortball season) is a giant burger on Sunday at…
My name Is Steve and I just joined this group. I eat Paleo most of the time but have a semi cheat day once a week (football season). I got my daughter to convert cause I noticed that she is carb sensitive like me. Here sleep and mood and overall wellbeing has improved. I do crossfit and walk a lot. I am still subject to…