Before/After (or progress) pics weight in stomach?
I was wondering if anyone could share their pics especially if you carry all your weight in your gut? I need reassurance LOL. I have the golf ball on a tee thing going on and I just keep losing and losing in my legs but my gut isn't going down!!!
Do you see cheating or going "off plan" ever ok?
Just as the title says, while on MF do think ever think it is ok to cheat or go off plan for ANY reason? A special anniversary dinner? A vacation? etc? I used to belong to a medifast specific board and I ended up having to leave because it was too intense. If you went off plan, or even thought about going off plan people…
Weekly amounts lost
Are you tracking your weekly weight losses? If so, from the beginning can you post how much you lost? Thanks~
Are we doing 30 days non stop or breaks?
Wondering how we are doing this? All 30 days or are we doing rest days...? Thoughts?
Thoughts on Ready To drink Diet Shakes any suggestions?
I feel like I am asking a loaded question here, but I swear my intentions are good. The reason I ask, is I have a weird work schedule that has me working right through supper with no break (I don't work enough hours for a full supper break). So it's really hard for me to eat a proper meal at suppertime. I go in at 3:00 and…
Please help a newbie.
Hi guys I am looking for some good solid help in the exercise department. I genuinely enjoy working out/exercising but I always feel like I'm not doing it right. I'll go to the gym and half-heartedly do the machines, spend some time on the treadmill, attend a class here or there and get discouraged when nothing happens.…
Taking care of our health/bodies... a beauty thread.
(Feel free to move if this is in the wrong area). I'm wondering if other people have experienced a desire to take care of their body as they lose weight? I've never really been disciplined with exfoliating or moisturizing but as I get into better shape and start feeling better I've seen an increased desire to take better…
Milk for cereal
Can you tell me exactly the type of milk and how much can be used on the cereal?
Big Brother fans? Season 14 Chat
Not sure if there is a thread already, or if anyone really chats about shows but wondering if anyone is watching Big Brother? It's my shameful indulgence haha. I only started watching 2 seasons ago. I can't believe Wil(liam?) honestly tried to deny he isn't Russell's brother (from Survivor) not only do they look alike,…
Favorite L&G?
Let's share our favorite lean and green recipes.
Coffee is not breakfast.
I got into a rather heated conversation (if you will) with a coworker who continues to complain about not being able to lose weight. I asked her to tell me what she eats during the day and the first thing I noticed was that she didn't eat breakfast. But debated with me about the fact that coffee is a perfectly acceptable…
Soda Pop?
Does anyone still enjoy the occasional diet soda while OP? The past 3 nights I've had a diet Pepsi with my L&G and I know it's a bad habit I need to cut out. Unfortunately I often deal with hunger while on MF and the soda keeps me feeling full- alas I know it isn't a healthy habit and I need to break it. Anyone else out…
Anyone seriously considering plastic surgery?
I'm wondering if anyone is realistically looking at plastic surgery when their weight loss journey is all over (and I don't mean a "yeah I dream about it but I'll never afford it" type thing. I mean people who have gone for consultations, etc.)? I am seriously considering a big of a breast lift when things are over and…
What "skinny" store do you look forward to shopping in?
When you get to your goal weight- what skinny store do you look forward to being able to shop at? For me? Anthropologie. DROOL!
Whole Foods- Dairy/Wheat free?
Anyone else here dairy and wheat free? I would love to swap recipes!
Can't change MFP Calorie Goal
Hey I can't seem to change my calorie goal- it has somehow set to 1200 and I need to change that. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Talk to me about pilates
I've been doing physical therapy 4x a week for the last 2 weeks (rotater cuff injury and a right SI joint injury flare up...) anyway part of my rehabilitation will be pilates. I've never done it and I'm curious. What are your thoughts? is it a good strengthening exercise?
Incredibly confused and hopeless...
I have to say reading these boards has my head spinning. I am incredibly confused. Calories in/calories out, eating back calories, macros... what the hell is a macro? My goodness how is this ever going to be successful for me? I want to build muscle, lose fat and be HEALTHY! I know it's about more then counting calories...…
I need guidance and help.
Hey guys, long time lurker, not much of a poster... until now. I am looking for genuine help, guidance, experience and suggestions. Warning, I'm guessing this will be long. I started on my weight loss journey in October of 2011. I joined Medifast/Take Shape For Life with much enthusiasm. I had 4 family members who had…