Zomibies, eeekkk, do something with your fitness
Here's something you can do to demonstrate all that hard earned fitness and muscles, run for your life! There are actually locations all over the country. http://runforyourlives.com/locations/seattle-portland/zombies/
Weight loss as a game
Now let me add a caution here, this was a tongue in cheek blog post, so please take it in the spirit it was written. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/vjrose My friends got a serious chuckle.
An interesting viewpoint!
http://lindywest.net/work/entry/hello_i_am_fat/ This is a motivational statement by an eloquent young lady. Just had to share her viewpoint on being "fat".
Octupus walking
Recently there have been a whole spate of videos with Octopus doing some really cool walking, here's a link to a video of one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHwUW1inDCs There are a bunch of cool videos. This one is my favorite, an octopus with his mobile home :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUN6c5yWJhQ As a biologist I…
NSV Good start for me
I've only been here 3 weeks but it has been illuminating. As usual the scale is stuck but the exercising is paying off, jeans are getting really loose and I found a cool shirt in the back of my closet that I hadn't been able to wear in a really long time, fits better now than it did then.
After my husband was recently in the hospital with weight related complications I decided to find an online, easy to use, weight loss community. MFP is definitely it, I love it and my husband finds it very easy to use. As a pair of 50 somethings we are really beginning to be aware that we need to get out weight down now…