Nutritious Evening Meal on the run!!
Hi Everyone Has anyone got any good ideas for a pre prepared quick meal on the go? I will soon be taking a second job and will have one hour to get from my day job to my evening job and don’t want to take a sandwich when I will have had one of those at lunch time. It needs to be something I can prepare quickly either the…
Snacks & being ravenous!
Help! I am struggling with the hunger. I am 16 days into my 1200 calories a day diet. Typical day - I have a very small serving of porridge in the morning (8am) with a few prunes and then walk to work (20 mins fast paced). Lunch (12 noon) is usually two slices of bread with a tablespoon light mayo and some cucumber…
Yoyo dieter hoping for support this time around!
Hello all What a great website this is. I have the app for my phone too so I can add foods on the move. I am a typical yoyo dieter and have been for years. I can be really good for a few months and drop to a size 12 or even 10 but then once I eat something I shouldn't I get a taste for it and seem to go in the opposite…
Diet worry, ladies only please!!
Hi As soon as I start on a calorie controlled diet I seem to need to go to the loo much more frequently. At worst I have been 3 times in one hour! Its starting to become really irritating. I have had 2 children and the waterworks have never been the same since but this is ridiculous. I can't see that its anything medical…