Snacks & being ravenous!

Help! I am struggling with the hunger. I am 16 days into my 1200 calories a day diet.

Typical day - I have a very small serving of porridge in the morning (8am) with a few prunes and then walk to work (20 mins fast paced). Lunch (12 noon) is usually two slices of bread with a tablespoon light mayo and some cucumber (occasionally a little chicken or tinned salmon) and a low fat yoghurt. I am busy all afternoon in the office (I don't sit down all day) and then walk home again at 5pm.

When I get home I am absolutely ravenous and usually have to have a small snack such as 2 or 3 crackerbread with some very low fat cottage cheese to keep me going until evening meal time otherwise I will end up cooking something super fast (like pizza) and scoff it down in one! Having a snack pacifies my hunger so I can then spend time preparing something healthy with lots of veggies.

Yesterday I had a banana in the afternoon but at 90 calories I soon use up my daily allowance.

I have managed to lose 9 pounds so far though.

Can anyone offer any suggestions for low calorie hunger busting snacks? Lol!

I need to try and save plenty of calories for the evening as that is when I am at my hungriest.

Thank you.


PS - please bear with me for replies as I am at work this afternoon.


  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    Try to fit in some snacks between meals so you are eating every 3-4 hours. Being hungry isn't good. Have you set your goal a little high/cals a little low? 1200 cals seems to be o.k for obese people who have got some readily available fat but the less you have to lose the more you need to eat - I know it sounds crazy when you have always been told to eat less but you will lose more weight by getting the right amount of food. Try changing your goal and upping your calories and get more physical activity when you need a few more calories! It is always hard at first finding your groove - stick with it, slow and steady wins the race!

    Here is a guide you may be able to get some ideas from! Remember to drink water and caffeine free teas - they help to quench your thirst and stop you from feeling hungry!

    ** Each time you eat a carbohydrate, eat protein with it (and vice versa).
    ** limit the times you eat out!
    ** pack your lunch and snacks every evening for the next day - be sure you take the time to do this!

    • 1 cup cereal (high fibre i.e.: bran flakes, Kashi Go Lean, Natures Path, Fibre One, etc.) and 1% or skim milk
    • 1-2 slices whole grain toast and natural peanut or almond butter
    • one whole wheat English muffin or wrap or ½ a whole grain bagel and all natural peanut or almond butter or light
    cream cheese
    • 1-2 egg/s on whole grain product (toast, bagel, wrap, English muffin)
    • one fruit and ¾ cup yogurt
    • oatmeal with cut up apples, a sprinkle of cinnamon or brown sugar or peanut butter

    • sandwich or wrap with lean ham, turkey, chicken, tuna, salmon or egg AND 1 cup raw vegetables
    • bowl of soup and sandwich/wrap
    • bowl of homemade chilli
    • salad with protein on top (chicken, chick peas, low-fat cheese, fish, lean ham, nuts, etc…)
    • subs – with lean meat, lots of vegetables and whole grain sub bun (no sauces – just mustard)

    SNACK / small meal OPTIONS:
    • ONE fruit and yogurt (or, yogurt on its own)
    • ONE fruit and granola bar (Kashi or Nature Valley)
    • hard boiled egg and ONE slice whole grain toast or ½ of a whole wheat English muffin
    • ONE fruit or 1 cup of raw veggies and cheese (one BabyBel Light or Skinny Cow Light OR ½ cup of 1% cottage
    • ONE fruit or 1 cup of raw veggies and 8-10 almonds/walnuts or natural peanut or almond butter
    • Whole grain crackers and low-fat cream cheese or natural peanut or almond butter
    • Kelloggs Oat-bran bar, Kashi, or Nature Valley Chewy Granola Bar & a glass of 1% or skim milk
    • 1/2 whole wheat bagel with light cream cheese or natural peanut/almond butter
    • Soy nuts can be eaten on their own (carb & protein) 1/4 cup
    • 1/2 cup Mixed beans (bean medley in can – drained) (carb & protein) these are great on their own, in salads or

    • fish, chicken, steak, pork, (lean meats are best) with vegetables and with either small potato,
    ½ brown or basmati rice, or 1 cup whole wheat, rice or kamut pasta
    • whole wheat, kamut or brown rice pasta dish with protein on top (chicken, pork, fish, light feta, etc…) and lots of
    vegetables (primavera of sorts)
    • any lunch idea is fine for dinners too
    • Stir Frys with lots of veggies, water chestnuts, chicken, lean beef, or shrimp/scallops

    • a loaf of whole grain bread, wraps OR a sleeve of English muffins
    • a jar of natural peanut or almond butter
    • fresh fruit and raw veggies
    • yogurt
    • your lunch (to keep it fresh)
    • Kashi, Nature Valley Granola Bars or All-Bran bars

    • fruit
    • Kashi granola bars (won’t melt!)
    • trail mix (don’t eat too much at once….very high in calories/fat)
    • box of whole grain crackers
    • mixed nuts (don’t eat too many at once….very high in calories/fat)

    Good Luck!!
  • Wendyp2011
    Thank you some great tips there. I forgot about nuts and I have some almond butter which I might take to work along with some crackers. What is trail mix ? I haven't seen that in the UK. I think I might give myself an extra 100 calories a day and have small snacks to stop myself getting ravenous. Also will increase exercise. I guess I might lose weight more slowly but as long as it keeps going in the right direction !