So, I thought I looked good, so I wore a skirt I haven't been able to wear for years, and a really cute top (a little low cut) but I thought it looked cute. So, I took a picture and put it on FB.. and one of the people I thought was a friend said (and I quote) "I hate to say it sweety, but you are too fat to be wearing…
Today, I was walking up the stairs, arms full of groceries, and my pants fell right down to my ankles! I was embarrassed, and happy at the same time! A month ago, those jeans were too tight they wouldn't go over my hips! Now they are falling off!
Hello, just wanted to introduce myself to the forum. I am very excited about my weight loss journey. I am hoping to lose 80-90 pounds within the next year, a little steep I know, but I like to aim to the Sun. That way, if I miss, I will at least land in the clouds. Thank you for reading.