Do any of you make your own spice mixes. I like to keep some on hand but don't like all the extra sodium. I'm especially looking for Mexican, Italian type seasonings.
How do you others that work overnights schedule your workout times. All the fun classes are in the evening when I'm working. How do you make it work?
I'm new to this dieting thing. I usually ate pretty healthy before so I don't have a lot of changes to make as far as giving up things. But I do need to focus more on quantities and combinations. I've been having to eat cheap for the last several years so that usually means more carbs, noodles, rice, etc. I'm cleaning out…
All my kids are grown with lives of their own so I'm able to put me first for the first time in my life. I finally got a new job that has great insurance that includes one complete physical including all lab tests and xrays needed on a regular basis according to the AMA. I've know for 20+ years that I have thyroid issues…