Mario Blanket update
I'm making the Super Mario Blanket shown in ravelry. I'm making mine squared up to be used as a bed blanket by my oldest son. He loves Mario. Total count of granny squares for his blanket is 1056. White 105 Done Flesh 79 Done Brown 35 Done Yellow 6 Done Red 37 Done Dk Blue 83 Done Black 132/108 Left to do Lt Blue 553/310…
Getting serious again
I've been gone a bit, working a ton of OT and a part time job on weekends. Not much time to get on and post, but do read the forums from time to time. It's been a year since I was diagnosed as diabetic. I started on one pill and 3 months ago we added a second. I have a recheck on Wed. My random testing have been lower BS's…
Medical Catch 22
How do you deal with your medical Catch 22? When you get dietary guidelines and recomendations to do something to improve one condition that are guidelines and recomendations to avoid for another condition. How do you find a way to eat that doesn't make any of your conditions worse?
Where to find Quinoa
Where in the grocery store do you find Quinoa? I've tried the rice and pasta aisle. No joy. :sad:
Anyone take this supliment? Any things to share? Good, bad, what to watch for.
Answering the door
Do you always answer the door when someone knocks on it? I work overnights and sometimes on my day off I just want to chill at home by myself. I know a person who is retired and gets bored and lonely. This person comes to my door every Saturday around noon and knocks and knocks on my door. Sometimes if I worked 12 hours on…
It's official!
I lost 10#! Had a recheck at the doctor's office and I have officially lost 10#. My tracker shows different because I started at a different weight than my dr did. I use my own scale for the tracker. I told one of the guys I work with. He laughed and said I'll gain it back before my next visit. NO I won't. Going to keep…
Adults with ADD/ADHD
Were you diagnosised as an adult? How did you determine you have ADD/ADHD issues? Who did you see doctor/therapist for your diagnosis? What are you doing to stay on top of it? Does it affect you different at home and work? What are your biggest issues? TIA
Remember when
You passed the weight you are now on the way up and how much of a failure it made you feel like. One the way back down the same weight feels like success. Cool huh
Name changes
How come when they are in a tub are they bubbles, but in a sink or washing machine, they are suds?
My daughter just asked me if I'm the little girl from the movie SIGNS. She assured me that I don't need to leave containers of water all over the house as she will protect me from aliens herself. She pointed out in every room I have bottles of water. :blushing: When I'm home all alone, I never noticed and it didn't matter.…
Looking for titles for books that have made a difference in how you see yourself. Do you have a book that has altered your outlook on life and getting yourself healthy? Please share.
Changed my mind
I have the night off from work but still have to go into town to get a few things I still need for my trip. Was thinking about just driving through Burger King as I haven't been there in forever. Out of curiosity, went to their website to see what was in my planned meal. Enough calories for 2 days, plus enough salt for a…
Cry when watching movies
Be brave and admit it. Do you cry at movies, even movies that are supposed to be for children like Finding Nemo, Cars, Mary Poppins, etc. Do you cry or laugh outloud even if you're home alone watching the movie? Come on, fess up.
Overnight shift workers
How do you log your meals and your excercise when your day covers 2 days? Do you split them on the midnight hour or do you count your day as from when you get up till you go to bed after your shift?
No appetite
I've noticed latey that I have no appetite. Nothing sounds good to me and I cook all my food at home. I make my favorites and freeze them in single serving containers so I can pull from my stash for work and still eat healthy. For the last week I just don't feel like eating. I post my plan and what I'm taking for lunch,…
How much is a stone
I'm from the United States and we use pounds, I have some idea of what kilograms are, but I've never seen weight listed as stones before this forum. Could someone from the locals that uses stones as a weight measurement please give me a reference to how much that is in relation to pounds and/or kilograms. Please. I'm not…
Think I need one if I'm going to stay awake till 5:30am. Catch you all later.
Soooo Much Turkey
Getting ready for dinner. I have 2 turkeys in the roaster. Just called my son and asked him to turn on his oven so I can do the pies. He tells me he has a turkey in the oven and another waiting when the first one gets done. This son usually brings ham. Guess I'll be eating turkey for awhile. Good thing I like turkey!
It's Friday! Actually Tues
I know it's only Tues, but tonight is my Friday for the week. My holiday starts on Wed. Whoooo Hooooo I got some major work to do on my house if I can get my furnace going so I'm not freezing. Hope you all have a good holiday.
How for figure % body fat
How do you figure out % body fat?
Craving chips
I'm so craving potato or corn or nacho chips with dip right now. Good thing I don't have any in the house. I would eat the whole bag in one sitting!
What type of egg do you buy the most and why? What is your favorite way to cook them?
Short night
Going to be a short night at work tonight. Just 10 hours. We worked 12 1/2 nights all week and with the 10 tonight I'll have 60 hours in this week. It's weird when a 10 hours shift feels like 1/2 a day. :tongue:
Keeping hands busy
Follow up on the late evening munchie thread. I do needlework at night to keep my hands busy so I'm not so inclined to munch when I'm chilin in front of the TV after a long day. I often work on puzzles too. Seems if I can keep my mind and hands occupied, I'm better at staying away from the mindless munchies. Does anyone…
Feeling OFF
When I went to the dr for my first complete physical in over 10 years, I mentioned to him that I thought most of my issues are due to me being OFF. That's Old Fat Female. He laughed and said he can't help me with the Old and Female part, but he'll see what he can do about the Fat part. Step 1 get my thyroid under control…
What's NSV
I see that in a lot of posts. What does it stand for?
Tracking exercise
Do you count heavy lifting and housework, like moving things up and down stairs? Or does it only count as excercise if you do the work in a gym or go for a walk outside?
Weighing in
How do you get your weights? How often do you weigh yourself and update your profile. I got officially weighed at my physical a couple weeks ago. Do I use my own scale? My weight varies day to day by quite a bit so I want an accurate reading.