Whenever I have a "good day" more often than not I go to bed hungry. Not STARVING, though, just a little tummy rumbles and a higher urge to eat things. This is sometimes a battle: not to snack before bed. My question is this: how many of you go to bed hungry in order to achieve your calorie intake for the day? What do you…
Just out of curiosity, if you have a bad weekend or a day where you ate more than you intended to, how do you compensate for it (if at all)? Do you cut back slightly the next following days or do you brush it off and start fresh the next day?
Hello, I am doing a survery for school to do a paper on. Please answer the questions... I need at least 40 people! 1. Do you experience a lot of stress-producing thoughts when attempting to sleep, such as things to do or worrisome thoughts, that prevents you from falling asleep quicker? __Yes __No 2. On an average night,…
hi! My name is britt and I'm a junior in college. I'm new here and I would love some friends who are my age/ in college too ;-)