I just wanted to get a quick opinion from some of you more experienced folks :) So a group of friends and I started doing a kettle bell workout called KettleWorx..it is a great mixture of resistance and cardio. I sweat from head to toe and get really worn out a tthe end of the workout. I am 5' 4" , 242 #, and 31. Online I…
OMG!! Did anyone else see this on TV this evening? This lady weighs 800 lbs currently and is hoping to surpas the record of 1,200 lbs. She eats on average of 30,000 calories a DAY!! This is crazy to me! It's not like she can't lose or is having a hard time...she is purposfully doing it to her body!…
OMG! I have heard of runners/walkers being chased by dogs and even bitten while on their workout...but seriously?? lol I have been doing c25k 3 days a week here by my house and yup we live in the country...our neighbors have chickens, goats, sheep, donkeys, emus, peacocks, ducks and who knows what all else over there....…
So last night I went to the Relay for Life walkathon in my hometown. The event was held at my old High School on the football field. The track around the football field was what we walked all night long. I walked 6 1/2 hours and I made 40 laps around!!! Amazing! I feel so accomplished!! If I had tried to do that last year…