So here I am again... officially back to zero pounds lost from sixty... I'm so frustrated. I know what I have to do. I know what I did wrong to get back to where I'm at. My frustration is basically that it took me turning weight loss into a full-time job to succeed. All I did was think about what I was going to do to reach…
If you know what this is you're an old gamer. WINNING!
A fan movie. Starts out slow but enjoy! or
Any other gamers going to the Calgary Comic Convention? Saw Wil Wheaton today. That was just a warm up. Amanda Tapping pictures tomorrow and a bunch of other fullfrontalnerdity!
Eating my calorie count. Okay so how important is it that I eat my calorie count. I know that if I eat too little my body will go into starvation mode but I did eat almost up to my alloted 1200 calories. The thing is I worked out today as well and I burned a bunch of calories. Of course that means I should be able to eat…
Okay so I'm just venting a bit here but I hate it that my coaches and my friends that aren't gamers think I need to become some 5 night a week fitness junkie in order to reach my goals. I mean... I LIKE playing games a few nights a week. I don't think you have to be consumed by your fitness and nutrition goals to reach…
I have 50 more to go but I was comparing some pictures from September 2011 to Today March 2012. I started my journey in November. I feel fantastic and when I look at the pics and compare I'm so happy with myself.
I found this video today that was very inspiring and I wanted to share it. If you get the time to watch it you won't regret it.
I'm loving the site and loving the App. I've been using it about three weeks now and would like to say hello to people.