Hi - looking for suggestions for an alternative to protein powder? Either shake recipes or good snacks. I am about 5ft 3" roughly 118 lbs and am looking to build more muscle. I take a boot camp class about 3x a week where we do a lot of weights and then run usually 1 day a week. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Manyt…
Hi...there is a Starfruit Kefir store that opened near me. I have been loving their kefir frozen yogurts. Apparently they are only 120 calories for a medium. They are very tasty. Does anyone else have experience with them? Are they as healthy as having a regular yogurt? thanks.
Hi - I was wondering if someone could give me more information on sugar intake. I am healthy and in shape and when I log my food into my fitness pal diary it says my goal of sugar should be 24. I am about 115 lbs and 5ft 3. I noticed that I am way over most days. For example today, I already logged in my breakfast and…