I'm really having trouble finding good supplements and low fat/calorie foods. Does anyone know where I can buy Optimum Nutrition or Skinny Cow or other useful products in Hong Kong?
My gym is kind of small and it seems like someone is always using the lat pull-down and cable row machines when I get to that bit in a workout. I've kind of become a little (too?) assertive and will ask if I can jump on for a quick set if someone is resting on/by the machine, but it's not always possible. I end up taking…
After a month of basically plateauing I figure I need to shake things up a bit. I'm starting carb cycling today. Going by Scooby's workshop that means- 3 days at 1729 calories - 45% protein/30% carbs/25% fat 1 day at 2121 calories - 30% protein/50% carbs/20% fat (exercise calories already included) Has anyone done this?…
do they work? Anyone used/using something affordable that makes a difference?