I was in a serious car accident a few years ago and have gained a ton of weight due to being in severe pain most of the time. I used to run and have a very active job but now I have a sedentary job and life and I need to get it together. I'm trying really hard to work on eating good food since I'm physically not able to…
I just signed up for my first 5k, the color run which isn't until August. Does anyone who has done it before have any suggestions or anything for me to keep in mind? I seriously can't wait, it looks like so much fun
Sorry to get a little too personal but I get really frustrated sometimes. I really want to have a regular work out routine, but I am sick so often that it really interferes with being able to work out. Sorry, just venting. I just feel so betrayed by my body sometimes I am worried because on the days when I am too weak to…
So I'm not sure if this is the right section for this but I am hoping some of you have good books about health, food or fitness that you would recommend?
Any other indigenous people on here struggle with or have good solutions to eating healthier? I very much miss frybread and other fatty comfort foods that I've been staying far away from since I started eating healthy Anyone have some good suggestions or compromises that still feel like home cooking?
Hey, I decided I might as well introduce myself and start to get all of you lovely people :D I am 24, and after having to have emergency surgery last year I was scared into getting serious about my health I used to be a runner, I've been slowly easing back into running every day and even got my sister to join a gym with me…