I am positive that I simply missing something here. Trying to tract my and my wife's weigh-in weekly, but the report that I am looking at just gives a general idea (not very detailed). I know I can put the curser on the weigh line and get an exact weight but I am trying to print this out to give it to my wife and its just…
I have performed the search on this topic and have read and read and have run out of reading time. My understanding so far is that the Julian Michaels is not a good one to start with because of her lack of proper techiques. Can anyone that is knowledgeable concerning this give me your recommendation on which DVD to pickup?…
This is an interesting article about salt. I am trying to followup of some of the sources of the quotes: Health story of the year: Salt vindicated (ARA) - Paul T. Meagher sometimes gets disapproving stares when people see him sprinkle his food with salt as he has done since he was a young lad growing up in Ireland. He has…
When I enter my excercise for the day it increases the remaining calories that I have to eat for that day. What is this.... a reward for work deal, like the carrot on the stick in front of the horse? I am supposed to walk 3 times a week for 20 minutes (entered in my lifestyle at the start), so I guess THAT exercise is…
Yes, I have a mistress with which I have spent many long deliciously intimate hours for the past umteen years. Each time that I decide to never return to her, it happens the exact same way...she calls me and begs me to come spend my time with her even for a short while. Much like a beautiful siren on the dangerous rocky…