which scale to believe; dr. office or home
Two weeks ago I went to the doctor. The scale at the doctor's office read 238. when I came home I got on my scale and it read 242. So of course with me being so fluffy:blushing: , I wanted to accept the smaller number. But today I was kind of curious because my uniform is loosening up, I went on and weighed myself. It said…
What are some good dvd workouts!!!!!!!!
I'm not burning not even half of he calories that i need to and I'm trying to get some advice on some calorie burning dvd's. I'm new to the site new to what works for losing weight and what doesn't. So any suggestions will help! Thanks
First Day
I'm new to the board and I wanted to introduce myself to everyone and to say hello. I'm BeeBee and I really need all the help I can get. I'm trying to lose a lot of weight and I really don't know where to start. This is the first step I've been taking: Trying to get the minimum of 8 glasses of water everyday, I'm walking 4…