First Day

BeeBee32y Posts: 15
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new to the board and I wanted to introduce myself to everyone and to say hello. I'm BeeBee and I really need all the help I can get. I'm trying to lose a lot of weight and I really don't know where to start. This is the first step I've been taking: Trying to get the minimum of 8 glasses of water everyday, I'm walking 4 miles 4 or 5 times a week. I haven't been big on counting calories because it seems like a lot of work. Since I've been trying to diet it makes me not want to eat at all. I've been writing down what i eat and how i feel that day and pin pointing what really makes me crave junk food so that I can work on that. But all in all I really need some good pointers to help me out.


  • butterfly25
    butterfly25 Posts: 186 Member
    hi...your going to love this site:flowerforyou:
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    :smile: Welcome!
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    Probably the best advice I've been given is to eat slower and really taste your food. It cost money, it is partly to nourish but partly to savor. Taste is one of our beautiful 5 senses and we need to give it a bit more thought, I guess, if that makes sense. It is wonderful that you are walking that much and drinking a lot of water, but 8 glasses really is all you need. You get water through fruits and veggies and plenty of other things.

    Also, take weight loss slowly. Over about a year, I've gone from 162-ish to 148-150ish (still have 30 to go!) and this includes periods of diligently recording what I eat as well as having Reeses every night for a week in my dorm in secret, as well as walking a lot from class to class and being home for a while, volunteering every day but not walking as much. You can't control absolutely everything, but you can do little things here and there. For instance, try cutting out one less soda or one less sweet or one less of something extraneous for a week, then more the next week. Try substituting white bread for Healthy Life Double Fiber Bread, the best whole grain bread I've pretty much ever come across, no lie. Lots of fiber, some protein, pretty great taste!

    Again it is so good that you're at least writing what you eat and how you feel. Psychology is part of it, modern society and the infusing of not-so-good food with high fructose corn syrup and sugar to trick our taste buds, all that is working against a lot of us. Take it one day at a time, making small changes over time. You didn't gain all the weight in 3 months, it will take more than 3 months to lose it and maintain it, just be real with yourself. I'm with you - I know you can shed the extra stuff!!!! :-)
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    Welcome to MFP BeeBee!

    Congratulations on taking the first step to a healthier, thinner you! Butterfly is right, you are going to love this site.

    I think the best way to do this is to just give you a list, so here goes.

    1. Have a kitchen clean-out party. Get rid of ALL unhealthy junk food.
    2. Invest in a good "healthy" cookbook. One I recommend is "Taste of Home Comfort Food Diet". It is full of simple, yummy, low cal, healthy recipes that keep you satisfied. The book also gives all of the nutritional information.
    3. At the grocery, shop the perimeter of the store first. The perimeter is where all the "good" foods are like fresh veggies and fruits, grains, meats and dairy. Steer clear of the cookie/chip aisles! Opt for lighter versions of condiments, I assure you they are just as yummy as the full fat ones.
    4. Plan meals and snacks ahead and plug in the calories on MFP. That way you can see how many calories you have left for the day.
    5. Drink the recommended 64 oz of plain water every day. If you're not a fan of plain water, get a pretty wine goblet to drink it out of...this makes it seem more special.
    6. Exercise. Start out small and build up your resistance.
    7. Record your exercise on MFP
    8. Eat your exercise calories!! You have to feed your body to lose weight!
    9. Be honest with yourself....this is probably the most important step of all. Be conscience of what you are eating and plug in the numbers every day. Don't woryy if you go over here and there...just keep it honest and you will see results!
    10. Last but certainly not least..Start getting some buddies on MFP...they can be a great support system and will cheer you on, and on, and on!

    If you follow the steps, you will be surprised at how really easy it is to lose the weight and be a lot healthier you! If I can do can do this...
    I honestly wish you the best of luck!
    Please add me as a friend if you want...
  • jlclarke
    jlclarke Posts: 107
    You will enjoy this site everyone is always willing to help when you feel like you cannot continue. Good luck on your journey of weight loss and getting healthy. Feel free to add me as a friend.
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