Ok... Bit the bullet and so here it is in all it's glory... Makes 4 good portions : 1 whole Marrow (about 1kg) 400g Lean minced (ground) beef 160g diced onion (Spanish) 100g diced carrot 100g chopped closed cup mushrooms 2 tablespoons mild curry powder 1 teaspoon dried parsley 1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs 1 tablespoon beef…
200g onion 1 tbsp mixed herbs 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 tin chopped tomato (400g) 1 jar Pasta sauce (440g) 400g lean minced beef 300g pasta (fusilli or penne) About 700 cals per portion (makes 3) Fry the beef first, then the onion in the oil from the beef. Add 1/2 herbs to beef while frying, rest to onion, then add…
Onion, green pepper, mushroom, mixed herbs, penne pasta, chicken breast fillets and Joseph's low carb Maple Syrup.. Nothing else!