Catch up
How's everyone doing? I still find it hard to not drink during the week. Yesterday I had a two drinks and then a third one - I am very disappointed today. I should remember that sense of disappointment when I feel like a drink tonight when cooking .....
My daily glasses of wine
I know that I should not drink if I want to loose weight, yet, I drink - daily. But, reading through the various blogs, I realized that I am not the only one. So, why not get together and see if we can beat the booze and embrace weight loss together.
Translating your Drinks into calories
I don't know about you but I am a great believer in visualization. So what I did, I looked at the drinks I consume and translated those into calories. While surfing the net, I also came across some interesting websites. My findings are here for your benefit. Please add your drinks and calorie values and/or any website of…
It is hard enough to not drink daily, let alone when on holiday. Every day offers a reason to have drinks in daylight. My commitment for the second part of the holiday is no drink before 6pm - a nice colonial habit. By not drinking during the day I save myself 2 pints of craft beer, which is 500(!) cals a day x 7 (days…
Hi, my name is Lianna and I live in Western Australia. I have been working on my weight since I was sixteen which was 42 years ago. :-) Lately, the last 12 months or so, I have struggled to adhere to a healthy lifestyle as we have renovated our house which took more than 12 months (instead of 4 and it is not quite finished…