liannap Member


  • Great idea! Name: Lianna Height: 157cm Starting Weight (12/1): 74kg Goal Weight (12/31): 71 12/8: 12/15: 12/22: 12/29: 12/31:
  • Hey lexi, the closest i can get to magical fairy dust for you is sensible eating and weight training a/o pilates. I have started pilates, brilliant. I am now also doing weight training without weights (????); a book which title I picked up from one of the forums: i will send you the title. I have started this method and it…
  • It has been very quiet and I wonder how everyone is going. I have good days and I have had bad days; unnecessary to say that in combination with 30 minutes exercise every day, the AFD's made me loose weight so easily. I am flying back home today after two weeks in Adelaide. From Monday onwards it will be a home straight to…
  • Thanks for your article. I believe that the tone of your article is what this website is all about: sharing and encouraging. I went to Amazon and read up about convict conditioning. Not too fussed about whether the author is an ex-convict or not or whether the tone of the book is more appropriate for 14 yo boys than for…
  • Still off the booze? Cheers Lianna
    in Catch up Comment by liannap June 2014
  • Do weights and walk if you can. Does it help if you realize how many calories are in a bottle? I have not been on the scales for 2 weeks. Having great problems at the club of which I am President: back stabbing etc. I can't handle that: not my scene so I come home and I have a drink. I purely drink because I am upset. I…
    in Catch up Comment by liannap June 2014
  • I hope that you did enjoy it! :-) Every day is a new day to try and to hang in there. Even one alcohol free day is already a win. Never give up ... Cheers Lianna
    in Catch up Comment by liannap June 2014
  • How are you going?
    in Catch up Comment by liannap June 2014
  • I have not checked the posts for a week and I apologize for not getting back to you earlier. I am back to bad habits and weight is back to where it used to be: hips and tummy. I know why: a lot of stress at work and a lot of in fighting and back stabbing. Basically, I am not in a good place at the moment hence the…
    in Catch up Comment by liannap June 2014
  • Well, you are not alone: I am enjoying an alcoholic weekend. I am enjoying it and yet I feel that I am letting the group down. The last two weeks have been very bad. Monday tomorrow - back to ginger ale. I will check in every day again - it worked for me in those successful weeks. All good. Cheers Lianna
    in Catch up Comment by liannap June 2014
  • Wonder how everyone is going. Quietly slipping back in bad habits or totally adjusted to a (far) smaller alcohol in take? Cheers Lianna
    in Catch up Comment by liannap June 2014
  • You call it a summer challenge, I'd call it a winter one. What's in a name. I'm all for it. Thanks for organising it. Lianna
  • Good to hear. I was alright again today so I am happy. Friday will be a big day but Saturday will be alcohol free. All the best and keep me posted please. Cheers, lianna
    in Catch up Comment by liannap May 2014
  • Good One Sandy! I once tried non alcoholic wine and it was better than I expected. But, now the weekend is here so I'll have a G&T or two tonight - with diet tonic less calories than wine. Whatever we do: we'll get the weight off. Enjoy the weekend.
  • Hi SandyAnnP, it is good to have you in our group. I find that being a member of this group really keeps me on the straight and narrow. I don't talk it on our normal page but in this group I have said many times how I am succeeding in not drinking during the week. I started this on Easter Monday - just fed up with sticking…
  • Yes, I totally agree with you. I now only drink in weekends and very moderately. And you know what? I can't really take more than two drinks otherwise I start losing control of my thoughts and the following day I feel rubbish. It's extraordinary how alcohol affects the body and how quickly the body adjust to drinking less.…
  • Good Morning. In a way I had a breakthrough: Friday went well, very well. Saturday was not so good: I did not pay attention while we had friends over: 2 G&T's and 3 wines. However, I did not finish the 3rd wine as I felt sick - I realised what I had drunk and I am convinced that my body reacted against the alcohol. Funny…
  • Another encouraging update: I have seriously cut back since Easter Monday which is not that long ago. Yesterday evening, we had friends over and we enjoyed a leisurely dinner. Without thinking I drank more than I intended to: I had to stop half way my third glass of white wine as I genuinely felt unwell due to the alcohol…
  • Exactly! Friday night: i had three drinks, starting at 6.30pm rather than 4pm and I tell you, it was enough, more than enough as I just don't wNt to drink any more. Also, after my third drink, which I did not finish, I started to crave for chocolate which I normally ate (lots of) on Friday nights. I am so happy and, I am…
  • Day#7 & Day #8 - no alcohol. We had a meeting yesterday evening and everyone had a beer while I enjoyed my Schweppes diet ginger ale. It feels as if I am now in the routine of not drinking during the week. Admittedly, I sometimes, around 5pm feel like a drink but I either start something or I drink a glass of water; at 6pm…
  • Hello AJFarrell and welcome to the group! I have not heard from the others but I can tell you that today is my 9th or 10th day that I am not drinking during the week and only a minimum (of what I used to drink) in the weekend. I thought it would be a struggle: in the past I failed as many times as I tried. This time I am…
  • Day #5 - big day at Dutch Club again where I drank water; now home with G&T Day #6 - Sunday: one G&T and 1 white wine. Very happy about this week. Now heading for another alcohol free 4 days! I am starting to loose weight.....
  • Yes, i am doing really well. I have never drank so little and i never thought that i could do it. Surely this should be effecting my weight loss before too long. How are you going? Cheers Lianna
  • Day #4 - big party in the Dutch Club. Diet coke. Came home, relieved that it was over and I am now enjoying a G& diet T.
  • No alcohol day#3 - decorated the Dutch Club tonight with a bunch of people. Afterwards we had a drink - ginger ale for me. Extraordinary.
  • How are you going? Lianna
  • Hi Jessii, welcome to MFP. Although I am not your age group, I would still like to reply to your post. I noticed that you joined in April and you have already lost 4lbs; that's good going. If I can give you any advice: check in daily - every check in day is added and it is fun to see the number of your check in days rise.…
  • Hi Jessii, welcome to MFP. Although I am not your age group, I would still like to reply to your post. I noticed that you joined in April and you have already lost 4lbs; that's good going. If I can give you any advice: check in daily - every check in day is added and it is fun to see the number of your check in days rise.…
  • No alcohol day #2 - had a large mug of ginger tea at 5.00pm when we returned from the movies and I truly forgot about a drink - how good is that?! It's obviously all in the mind.