liannap Member


  • Ernie09, great to hear from you. I have heard about elderflower cordial / elderflower drinks. In fact I saw it recently and I will certainly buy it this week. Thanks for the tip. Also, drinking from a nice glass, ice cubes and a slice of lime/lemon makes non-alcoholic beverage so much easier to drink. Welcome to the group!…
  • How are you going?
  • Easter 2014 over: No alcohol day #1 - sipping a diet ginger ale while preparing dinner ...
  • The holiday is now a memory in pictures, Easter was a lovely and very long weekend. Today is Tuesday after Easter, finally! No excuses, no sidetracking, just going for goal. 254 days to Christmas. Good Luck everyone - cut back the booze, ultimately we will feel so much better if we drank less. Cheers! Lianna
  • That is indeed not too bad. It's now Monday where I am and I did drink on Sunday as well as on Thursday, Friday and Saturday - but Sat and Sun were far far less than what I would have drunk without this group. We are having some people over this afternoon and I plan to stick with my G&dietT and I will forgo on the wine as…
  • Hello everyone - Easter looooong weekend. I am very much enjoying this lovely weekend and the soft warm autumn weather. Yes I am drinking but I am drinking consciously: this group forces me to think about social thinking. I start later and I finish earlier; I also drink a lot more (sparkling) mineral water. Are you going…
  • Please count me in. 28 April - great date to start.
  • I've tried it: very nice. Thanks again! Cheers Lianna
  • Thank you very much for that recipe, it sounds lovely. I will be trying it out over the Easter break! Cheers. Lianna
  • I know exactly what you mean. I have recently applied the technique whereby I postpone the weekly intake of my two G&T s or two wines by a day in the weekend: instead of Friday, I try to wait until Saturday night - that way I have something to look forward to. On the other hand, if you exercise enough and you don't drink…
  • Wanting to cut out/to cut back on drinking is the first step to 125.4! Check in regularly on our group page and read about the bad effects alcohol has on weight loss. And ... Please share what you tips, suggestions, reading material you have found. Talk soon. Cheers! Lianna
  • That is what annoys me: five days I am good, comes the weekend and I am bad, really really bad. It annoys me that in a few hours during the weekend I undo what I so consciously built up during the week. Monday mornings it is back to a week ago, if no further. This has to stop and only I can do it: no-one forces me to…
  • Excellent!
  • Divintydance, welcome to our group. The first step to cutting back alcohol is admitting that social drinking is your weakest spot in the weight loss game. You are safe now ???? we all look after each other. I am currently away from home but after Easter I intend to have tips and advice that I hope to gather and share; I am…
  • Four glasses of white over the weekend. That is a lot to lot less than a weekend ago .... ???? How did you all go? Lianna
  • How did you go over the weekend? Lianna
  • It helps if I get you the email address: ????
  • Sorry for being so late with my reply. We are traveling and I must have missed your post. Here is the email address for support at med cookbook. Ask them for link. EBook costs A$9.95 and it is fabulous. How was the alcohol intake this weekend? Did you manage to cut back? Good luck with everything. Cheers! Lianna
  • The weekend is over and Saturday I survived on four glasses of white wine diluted with water, which effectively makes it 2 glasses of wine. Sunday I just had two normal glasses. That was all. This must have saved me about 1500 - 2000 cals. Wednesday midnight I will be back home from my break - looking forward to getting…
  • My commitment - well, day #2 with my friend of old times. No daytime drinking and 4 white wines and again lots and lots of water. Not too bad. Now the weekend and the NatMeet of MX5's to start today; lots of friendly lunches and dinners. Way to go! Enjoy the weekend everyone. Cheers! Lianna
    in Commitment Comment by liannap April 2014
  • Yes, like you, weekends do it for me, or rather, they tend to undo what I achieved during the week. We are starting our NatMeet of MX5's today and the dinners are normally very "friendly". Fingers crossed. Good luck to you, talk Monday ???? Lianna
  • G'day growing girl! Exactly: and soon enough we think "oh well, tomorrow is another day" and consequently alcohol calories and those of bread and cheese go to the hips. Ever noticed that drinking makes you want to eat? That's why we are in this group, trying and wanting to correct our social drinking with the objective of…
  • Diet ginger ale for afternoon drink; 3 white wines and 1 liter of water during dinner while catching up with old friend and reminiscing. Happy. Lianna
    in Commitment Comment by liannap April 2014
  • Fantastic and how encouraging! Thanks for sharing.
  • Today we met up with a friend from years gone by. Lovely evening, lots of reminiscing. Yes we drank: 3 glasses of wine instead of two bottles???? and a large glass of water per wine glass! Not too bad I'd say. Cheers! Lianna
  • Great weight loss; fantastic result!
  • Way to go! Cheers Lianna
  • Fabulous! I bet you feel good about that. Cheers. Lianna
  • Exactly! That is the purpose of this group. Cheers! Lianna
  • Hi, welcome to this group. We are all in the same boat and like you, I feel that I am not so alone anymore. Reading and writing about it in this group are the first firm steps to cutting back/cutting out. Over the last year or so I have read about it all and understood the process, yet, it has not stopped me from drinking.…