I am so confused. I have been walking regularly, up and down hills, my food intake has not increased; yet I'm gaining weight and not fitting into my clothes. Help! What am I doing wrong?
Hi there! I'm trying to understand why each time I exercise, those calories are added to my daily calories. Isn't the idea to eat less calories, not add to it. I'm sure there is a logical explaination, I'm just not getting it. Any information is appreciated!
I am in desperate need of a good low calorie lemon cake recipe. Please share if you have one. :) :)
I'm new to this site and already my protein intake is in the "red". Should I be concerned. I'm doing good in every other area, just not the protein area. Any thoughts on this?
Hi there! I'm new to this site. It looks really cool and easy to use. I'm excited for what is to come!