I am confused by something. If your BMR is the amount of calories it takes your body just to function properly, then how is it ok to regularly eat below that amount, example: by BMR calories are 1480.9 to maintain my weight it is 1788. this site tells me i can eat 1288 calories a day if i want to lose a pound a week, so if…
I just realized that I am 1 pound under my prepregnancy weight, and it only took eleven months, actually i didn't really start trying until 6 months ago.
My office ordered pizza for lunch and it smelled so good, and for the first time ever i didn't eat any of it.I ate my healthy lunch instead.
My birthday is on saturday and i need a cake recipe that won't use all my calories. i really like chocolate. IF any one can help i would appreciate it.
I can't find this weeks check-in does anyone know where it is.
I am going a way this weekend for a wedding, I will be staying in a hotel with no computer access, i don't know how i am going to stay on track, my only food options will be fast food for 2 days. i could use some suggestions,
I was wondering if anyone knows how i should put Tae Bo in for my exercise.