This may sound like a stupid question but where's the best place to put your scales? I had them in the bathroom (tiles), various places in the house (all wooden floors) and in the laundry which is plastic lino and I get a different reading from each spot. Is it best just to find the flattest surface because I do notice a…
I've tried EA Sports Active and Wii Fit and gotten bored of both pretty quickly. Saw The Biggest Loser game on sale today for $25. My question is a) is the workouts and structure of the game worth getting? b) is it different enough from Sports Active and Wii fit that it will keep me interested in it? I've been puttering…
I'm been eating healthy (smaller portions and no more junk) and excercising everyday for the past month and I really thought I was getting somewhere. But last night I found out my scales aren't actually right and when I weighed myself today on the scales at work (which are accurate to 0.01KG I realised I'm at the same…