for the guys who lift a lot wat fat % are you at? ( for any onde under 15%) wat helps you to stay low? im going for the 4% now
Toning myth
i find it so irritating when people are telling newbies in the gym to train with high reps and low weights to get firmer and more toned muscles. Why do they think training high rep low weight would get you more toned?
results after lost and strenght training 1 year
before http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x321/Rovernio_Reger/559803768_6_JC2W.jpg after http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x321/Rovernio_Reger/MARVINDENMINO.jpg http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x321/Rovernio_Reger/316779_264664383586126_100001276993920_836279_1157859648_n.jpg copy and paste the links i weighed 79kg…
sleep and diet
i just had a big 1000 kal breakfast then i slept for like 4 hours , but did 400 cal cardio after. Does the sleep after my meal makes me get fat??
im new
Hello evry one i am a 18 year old student from amsterdam, and i just love to workout and eat healty my gaol is to reach 6 to 8% body fat.