Steel is not heavier than wood!
Why do people always say that steel is not heavier than wood? 1lb of woodweighs 1lb. 1lb of steel weighs.. guess what ... 1lb!! 1lb of anything always weighs the same!!!111!1 Hope this helps lol
Why doesnt pinkie pie get fat?
Do equestrian treats have no calories?
For the most current MyFitnessPal data
For the most current MyFitnessPal data, press Alt+F4. works great.
My work had doughnuts, and cake, and...
My work had doughnuts, and cake, and hamburgers and hotdogs and chips and cupcakes.... and I didn't freak out about it. From what I am gathering on this forum, this isn't normal, and I should be upset about it.
So I'm no longer a doctor...
... turns out I'm a total quack.
People Who Share a Bed, and the Things They Say About It
People Who Share a Bed, and the Things They Say About It http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/19/health/19slee.html I just found this article interesting.. never thought about the subject before, but it makes sense.
MFP topic WTF?
lol, on a regular basis I see two completely opposite topics on here... anyone else notice stuff like this?
MFP double counting calories
So, I just noticed something. I bought a Fitbit yesterday, and linked it to my MFP account. When you sign up for MFP, you set a calorie amount for your "Normal Daily Activity"... if you're sedentary is low, if you run around at work all day its high.. etc.. but its NOT exercise. its already included in your calories for…
I discovered why Soda and Splenda cause cancer:
This explains everything.
Smoking not the worst possible health choice.
The average person....
The average person.... has one fallopian tube. think about it.
Boxers or Briefs ?
I always wear boxers, or boxer briefs if im doing something fairly active... But today, I wore a pair of breifs since they were clean, and had been in my closet awhile. big mistake. i cant wait to get home and yank these off.
Horrible (fake) weightloss books.
Heres a dumb idea for a thread... Make up a weighloss book title thats a bad idea. (if you bold it, its easier to see) For example.. I have never seen a fat cokehead... so how about this: Dont Doughnut, Do Lines -- an action filled diet Im sure someone can think of something better...