I decided back in February 2012 I was going to make changes. Changes for ME. We had plans to take son on a trip of his choice for a high school graduation gift. Plus I didn't want to be hiding behind the camera at graduation. But standing proud next to him. I knew I had to feel better about myself. So I set out to make…
Anyone interested in forming a walking club at Mills Mall during the week? I lost my walking buddy, and would love the company. If interested let me know.
I just recently went to Doctors and they said I needed to lower my Bad Cholesterol - raise my Good. Any sugestions would be awesome. As when I asked the Doctor Office she really didn't suggest anything. Well she mentioned Exercise, lose weight, cut out red meat and increase fish, etc. Well I already only eat fish or…
Craving soda tonight. Any suggestions? I have been soda free since end of July. I really do not want to cave.