I'm so sad.
I keep seeing all of these friendship request thread, and they are so exclusive. Are you, this, are you that, I NEVER fit in. Sure I have a sordid past, but I've changed. Can't we all just let bygones be bygones and lose weight together?
Awesome work everyone
I look at all of these success stories and I'm in awe. I say we all take the weekend off, eat whatever we want and celebrate!
Fallen off the wagon.
So here I am in.....well, a long time ago. Notice the defined abs, the confidence, the devilsh grin. Then here I am now, fat, out of shape. I really need to get movin on this fitness thing.
Need some motivation NOW!
Oh boy. So, I just found out I got a very special young lady preagnant. This is sort of huge, and we are expecting BIG things from our son. It will be a son. The thing is, I know this is going to start a fight with the old family, we haven't spoken in years. The thing is, I know once this baby is born, work is gonna really…
I've had it.
That's it! I'm done with it. Listen up people, I don't run the EU, I don't possess people, and I DO NOT MAKE YOU GAIN WEIGHT! Heck, I have a weight problem as well since the descent, and need some friends...but we I will not tolerate people blaming me for not watching what they eat.
Eat what you want.
I've read all of these threads, and people need to relax. You've earned it. So many of you work hard, taking care of kids, going to a job that's demanding, dealing with people everyday who don't know how special you are. Well guess what, I think you are fantastic, gorgeous just the way you are. You don't want to go to the…