Day 1: 45min Cardio (3 sets of 12) >Leg Press >Leg Ext >Leg Curls >Seated Row >Lat Pulldown Day 2: 45 min Cardio (3 sets of 12) >Chest Press >Chest Fly >Tricep Push >Bicep Push >Shoulder Press >Planks...straight and side. >Ab V Twists with 35lb weight Day 3: 1 hour Cardio >>>>>Repeat. I've been doing this routine for about… that I've read all the direction on my hearrate sensor I am ready for 'super cardio day' tomorrow. My goal is to stay within 70 - 80% of my max for an 128-146 BPM. I'm excited that I'm going to start working with exact and quantifiable values and not just winging it and doing what I think is ok. For…
Alright, my situation is a little different, but I'm on a military base in Afghanistan. I work 12 hours a day and working out keeps me sane. Most people aren't going to believe me when I say this, but my goal right now is to get down to 300lbs. When i was in peak physical condition in the Marine Corps I weighed…