There's not much info out there on a IIFYM split that favours fat over carbs. I don't tolerate high carb well - fats are my jam - and I was wondering if anyone has had success losing weight on a split somewhere along the lines of 60% Fat 25% Protein 15% Carbs. Obviously a caloric deficit is also in place for losing weight.
Hi, Frustrated and looking for any advice or similar experiences! In short, I lost 20lb between March and August of this year doing HFLC and then, as we do every year, we went on a cruise. I was quite restrained, having totally changed my outlook on food/life, in comparison to previous years but, obviously, things got away…
At the weekend I reached an all-time low loss of 15lb, bringing me much closer to my target of 22lb. However, as excited as I was to see that number on the scale, I was realistic and knew it had probably been caused by dehydration from the wine I had indulged in at a party the night before. I expected the number to jump up…