motivation and Heat
I am having a really hard time getting motivated to work out in 80+ degree weather and I can't go to a gym to workout, I can't afford it and/or the babysitter I would need. I was wondering if anyone had any Suggestions?
Just so people can get to know each other a little better lets introduce ourselves. My name is Stacey, I have 2 children ages 3 years and 6 months. I only gained 8 lbs with my second pregnancy due to a restricted diet because I had gallstones. I lost 31 lbs after having my son and gained back 10 because I had surgery and…
For those of you who have time to exercise could you tell me what you do? I am trying to come up with a workout routine I can stick to that doesn't take more than 30 min. Right now I am lucky if I have that much time. I tend to come on here while doing school work so I am multitasking...lol
baked chicken
I need ideas on how to season unbreaded baked chicken. I normally just do salt and pepper but I want something different. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks in advance.
New Hampshire people?
I was just wondering if there is anyone else in NH on here?
Healthy Snacks?
I need ideas for healthy snacks you can take on the go. please help me.
Exercising with a Toddler?
I was wondering if anyone knew of some good exercises to do with a toddler?
just wondering if there are anymore mommies or daddies from whattoexpect.com here. It is nice to have help and inspiration from other parents.:happy:
low fat Recipes
I recently found out I have gallstones and since then I have not been eating much and I have been losing weight, which normally would be great however I am pregnant. So not eating really isn't an option not to mention it is not healthy for me and I really want to be healthier so I need some low fat or fat free recipes if…
What are your exercises? I am trying to get inspiration and work on my on workout routine.
Friends needed
Hi I have had an account on here for a while but never went to the community section and today it dawned on me that if I have friends on here they can help me stay motivated and I could help others try and stay motivated. So if you are looking to help someone or for help with weight loss goals please add me. :happy: