Healthy Snacks?

StaceyMayfonz Posts: 36 Member
I need ideas for healthy snacks you can take on the go. please help me.


  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Carrots, others slived veggies in small ziplocs. Grapes, Bananas, apples.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Any fruits and veg, sliced up into bite sized wedges, in a tub. Dip in whenever...
    Or a couple of flavoured rice cakes.
    I have also been known to pack a tub of (dry) cornflakes so I can have a crunch.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Single serving container of Greek Yogurt (or make your own single serving with a leftover container).
    Piece of fruit.
    Cut up crunchy veggies, alone or with Greek yogurt or hummus for dipping.
    Protein bar.
    Single serving low-sodium, low-fat cottage cheese.
    1 oz of almonds or pistachios (in shell, that's about 1/4 cup).
  • evolutionbyariana
    evolutionbyariana Posts: 60 Member
    I always keep Larabars or Kashi bars and a little bag of homemade trail mix in my purse. I also like having Ryvita crackers with almond butter, hard boiled eggs, or fruit and veggies on hand for snacks as well. I'm out of the house 12 hours a day 6 days a week because of work so I understand the need for healthy snacks! I usually bring more snacks than I need because if I'm caught off guard and hungry with nothing to eat ill end up at the coffee shop next door in no time!
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member
    zucchini chips, slice one thin and bake, they satisfy like a chip but are a lot healthier. Kohlrabi or Jicama sliced like an apple works well too.
  • LisaDunn01
    LisaDunn01 Posts: 173 Member
    Raw Crunch Bars (order through - they come in 4 different flavors)
    Green Apple dipped in either Peanut Butter, Almond Butter or Sunflower Seed Butter (carry in small container)
    Hummus (carry in small container) and cut up vegetables (carrots, celery, jicama, green peppers, red peppers)
    String Cheese and a handful of Raw Nuts
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    I go with the good stuff. Cookies, Peanut butter chocolate wafers, a candy's all good I hold nothing back...just make sure it hits your macros.
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