Hi All - I've decided now is the time for me to start over. About 3 years ago I lost a little more than 60 lbs and have since gained 40 back. I'm scared to death that I'm going to gain it all back. My issue is that I don't know know to say no to food and never can just eat a piece, or a bite, I have to over indulge. I try…
Today's Groupon Coupon is 40% off Shake Weights. Are they worth the money?
Hi Everyone! I'm thinking of getting the Body Bugg SP but really don't know anything about it. I'm wondering, if you have one, do you log your food diary on their site and this site also? Or is there a way to "mesh" the 2 together? I'm not a big fan of having to pay for their site, but see that I can get the first 12…
Hello Everyone - My name is Carrie. I made a goal for 2012 to lose 50 pounds and while this goal was in my head I found this site. I have been asking everyone I know to join this site and become my weight loss friend, however no one has done so yet. Since you can not push friends into losing weight I've decided to ask for…