Hi All ! Since 1st August I have started kick boxing classes (we are more focused on cardio and strength at the moment more than the actual technique) 3 times a week and each session is an hour to 75 minutes long, average burn as per my Polar is 700 - 900 calories per session I am logging in my food, tracking movement with…
I noticed that I gained 1 kg in the last 4 days, and another 1 kg crept on as well last week ! Even though I am always under my calorie goal, I dont eat junk food or sugars, always eating healthy ! Drinking lots of water Also working out 3 times a week (boot camp session 1 hour each) This was working for me fine 2 or 3…
I had pain in the outer part of my left knee for about 2 weeks. It gets noticeably more when its fully bent and my calves are closer to my thighs (like in squats) The orthopedic asked for an X-Ray and today he told me that I have contusion of knee (to be more technical : early osteoarthritic changes of the left knee joint…
Hello everyone, I never did a detox cause I hate veggie juices ! But I stumbled on this article on LiveStrong which had a way to detox using 7 simple rules. I am on day 3 now, the first day was the toughest with no coffee :( Rules are, in a nutshell : 1- No alcohol 2- No dairy 3- no meats , not even fish or seafood 4- no…
Hi all, I am from Egypt and I have settled in Manchester since SEP 2009. I gained 12 kgs since then cause of the many temptations of food and drink, not to mention the constant craving for carbs during the winters! :( Hope I can get back those 12kgs by the end of 2010 :)