I'm flat lining !

Hi All !

Since 1st August I have started kick boxing classes (we are more focused on cardio and strength at the moment more than the actual technique) 3 times a week and each session is an hour to 75 minutes long, average burn as per my Polar is 700 - 900 calories per session

I am logging in my food, tracking movement with my Jawbone UP , and always coming under my daily net calorie intake. Yet for 6 weeks now I am Yo-Yoing on the scale ! Class members and our coach say it is muscle growth because of the type of work outs we do (60% strength 40% cardio)

I feel it , I mean I feel better and more flexible, my clothes looks better and loose (though not much) but that damn scale wont budge except 1 KG to 2 KG , then up again 0.5 KG, then down, up, etc.

I read somewhere that thyroid problems can cause problems with loosing weight, and both my mom and sister have this so it might be in the family genes ... what do you guys think ?


  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Muscle does indeed way more than fat tho this is more likely water retention. If it really concerns you a lot see your doc for a full panel if not give it time.
  • Firefly868
    Firefly868 Posts: 1 Member
    Don't stress the scale numbers ( within reason ????). If you feel good, your clothes are fitting better, even a little, then you are going in the right direction. Your body needs time to readjust. ~ Keep it up! ~. My sister lost a ton of weight (not really a ton) a few years ago by doing kick boxing. She looked the best she had since high school. I am sure you will look and feel great too.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    what are your stats and how many calories are you eating per day?
  • stacysjourney
    stacysjourney Posts: 52 Member
    I stopped weighing myself. Honestly it was a twice a day weigh in and then when I GAINED 5 pounds I could have had a stroke! I was so frustrated and wanted to give up. Don't look at the scale, just work out and keep going with your changes then maybe at the end of the month or what ever you weigh in its more accurate. I would ask your doctor about the thyroid. It might be something and it might not be but getting it checked out would put that to rest for you one way or the other.
    Don't give up what ever happens! Keep going with your workouts and logging. It will pay off! :)
  • granniegreenow
    granniegreenow Posts: 7 Member
    Give it time BUT whatever you do DON"T eat less. Try some fish meals if you haven't already, I always find some extra fish meals get me over a flatline. Good luck
  • Ryderod
    Ryderod Posts: 103 Member
    I would say from the beginning of August until now would not be enough time for any significant muscle growth as of yet. No harm in going to your doctor for a check up, at least you can eliminate any nagging health doubts
  • AADarwish
    AADarwish Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Tavistock , MFP put me at 1790 calories per day to loose 1 KG per week
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hi Tavistock , MFP put me at 1790 calories per day to loose 1 KG per week

    do you weigh and measure everything you eat?
  • AADarwish
    AADarwish Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Tavistock , MFP put me at 1790 calories per day to loose 1 KG per week

    do you weigh and measure everything you eat?

    Yeah pretty much, I even got a digital food scale to try and be as accurate as possible
  • AADarwish
    AADarwish Posts: 29 Member
    Don't stress the scale numbers ( within reason ????). If you feel good, your clothes are fitting better, even a little, then you are going in the right direction. Your body needs time to readjust. ~ Keep it up! ~. My sister lost a ton of weight (not really a ton) a few years ago by doing kick boxing. She looked the best she had since high school. I am sure you will look and feel great too.

    Thank you :)
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    Give it another 90 days. I always always ALWAYS gain weight when I start exercising. I don't know why exactly but I do know that I have to ignore the scales and measurements and try not to let that get into my head as frustration. Just keep pushing through, be super patient and let your body do the work of rebuilding itself into the new you.

    Muscle building is a slow process and it takes a while to show on the scale. My body seems to build the muscle and retain the fat at first, and retain water which accounts for the gain. Ultimately though the more muscle you have on your body the more calories you will burn with each workout and everything will work itself out if given enough time. If your body is like mine you'll go for many weeks without a single hopeful sign and then all of the sudden you'll have lost 10lbs the next time you weigh yourself. Hang in there. It will happen and it will be worth it in the end. :)

    Also try getting in 1 gallon of clear water a day (no additives) if your not already. This will help the cells in your body clean themselves out and reduce any water retention/inflamation you might be experiencing as a result of muscle building. :)

    Sounds like your making awesome choices for yourself. Keep it up!!
  • AADarwish
    AADarwish Posts: 29 Member
    Give it another 90 days. I always always ALWAYS gain weight when I start exercising. I don't know why exactly but I do know that I have to ignore the scales and measurements and try not to let that get into my head as frustration. Just keep pushing through, be super patient and let your body do the work of rebuilding itself into the new you.

    Muscle building is a slow process and it takes a while to show on the scale. My body seems to build the muscle and retain the fat at first, and retain water which accounts for the gain. Ultimately though the more muscle you have on your body the more calories you will burn with each workout and everything will work itself out if given enough time. If your body is like mine you'll go for many weeks without a single hopeful sign and then all of the sudden you'll have lost 10lbs the next time you weigh yourself. Hang in there. It will happen and it will be worth it in the end. :)

    Also try getting in 1 gallon of clear water a day (no additives) if your not already. This will help the cells in your body clean themselves out and reduce any water retention/inflamation you might be experiencing as a result of muscle building. :)

    Sounds like your making awesome choices for yourself. Keep it up!!

    Wow a gallon of water? My regular intake is 1.5 - 2 litres a day, but on a work out day it can go up to a gallon easily.

    But thanks for your talk up there, it gives a bit of hope that its not just me who arent budging off the scale :) I guess also the age factor has a hand in it, I am 37 years old and I am sure I wont loose as fast as when I was 25 !
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Hi All !

    I read somewhere that thyroid problems can cause problems with loosing weight, and both my mom and sister have this so it might be in the family genes ... what do you guys think ?

    Yes, thyroids could mask weight loss and it wouldn't hurt to rule this out since it seems to be hereditary.

    How has your sodium levels been doing the yo-yoing weeks?
  • AADarwish
    AADarwish Posts: 29 Member
    Hi All !

    I read somewhere that thyroid problems can cause problems with loosing weight, and both my mom and sister have this so it might be in the family genes ... what do you guys think ?

    Yes, thyroids could mask weight loss and it wouldn't hurt to rule this out since it seems to be hereditary.

    How has your sodium levels been doing the yo-yoing weeks?

    I have hyper tension (medicated) so I am watching my sodium intake .. sometimes it slips beyond the level set by MFP but mostly I try to avoid salty foods, fast food, etc.