Free the Bug
With BMF & Bodybuggs going unsupported at the end of the month, does anyone know where to get Free the Bugg. I had it a couple of years ago but decided to support the company instead... *sigh*
QuitNet stats
Time Smoke-Free: 632 days, 23 hours, 27 minutes and 51 seconds Cigarettes NOT smoked: 10761 Lifetime Saved: 2 months, 22 days, 4 hours Money Saved: $2,690.25 Posting now because, for some reason, this summer has just been trigger after trigger and it's been really hard not to walk over to the corner store. It's like being…
Family of four on under $200/month?
Yar! Shop your favorite store's ads, throw in some Ibotta rebates, Checkout 51 rebates, and Coupons.com coupons. Plan meals around that. Our meal plan, this week? Monday - Leftovers Casserole (leftover black bean taco filling, leftover tomato sauce, and leftover chicken tossed over pasta and baked with cheese) Tuesday -…
The Lean Physique And Why It’s Dangerous
http://itrainthereforeieat.com/2013/09/09/the-lean-physique-and-why-its-dangerous/ "I’ve noticed something lately. I’ve noticed a lot of commenters either applauding authors for having awesomely lean physiques and wondering how they too can get to 12% body fat. On the flip side, I’ve also noticed many many commenters…
Shorties! Lift weights! Grow!
OMG! Lift weights, shorties! I had my annual well-woman check today... I've GROWN 1/2" in the last year. Doc & I are attributing it to weight lifting's form focus and stronger muscles improving posture. :happy: Heee! I GREW!!!! No longer 5'3.75" but 5'4.25" *bounce*