so im loving MFP but I need more friends to keep me motivated!!!! so anyone who wouldnt mind a 20 something woman with sleep apnea who has a very long way to go please send me an invite!!!
I know how hard it can be when you dont eat many of these. a big part of my change has been focusing on including fruit and vegies in my diet. in australia they recommend 5 serves of veg and 3 of fruit every day I would like to propose the following challenge: a minimum of 3 serves of vege (1/2 cup of cooked veg or 1 cup…
I am too embarassed to join a gym... or even go for walks outside. right now im getting exercise walking around my house. its stupid I dont feel like people are looking at me normally. but I feel like if I was in exercise gear they would all be laughing at the very fat girl
this is something that I am having to learn to acknowledge. while I have known it I never saw myself as a fat person.. I never saw myself as someone who needed to change their ways... acknowleging I have an issue with food has been my first step in this very long road. I am not there yet but am on my way and for that I am…
and it seems this is one way for me to start it! I am 140 kgs which is insanely too much weight. I put on around 60kgs of that over the past few years after my then undaignosed sleep apnea got worse when i ended up with scar tissue in my throat. Since i have been diagnosed and treated with my sleep apnea i have ENERGY. But…