Just a little more information available to aid in educated decisions about diet and health. Interesting research however, on the aspect of plant based proteins not having the same alleged detremental affects as animal based protein.…
I have been running for a number of years. Have quite a few halfs, ten-milers, 10ks, 25ks, a marathon, and a lot trail runs at those same distances. I know how to prep for all of them. They have all started fairly early in the morning. However, the first week of December I am running an "Illumination Half" that starts at…
I have mentioned lifestyle change to a lot of people. I recently wrote that for any reduction in weight to become permanent there has to be some permanent change in one’s lifestyle. Here is some documented proof that simply focusing on particular macronutrients without lifestyle change will simply not work long term. Based…
This woman is an "advisor" for Livestrong. Not sure of her credentials. However, a rational view on protein consumption I believe. Take aways: Don't go crazy; it all depends on intensity and length of workout, body type and size, etc; unless you are a professional bodybuilder, consuming extremely low carbs and high protein…