Anyone facing chanllenges today / recently with the tracking? We were 5 this AM doing a 2019m swim and none got tracked properly.... mine was at 0 and only got the time and water temperature - all others faced challenges with distance tracking.
Example - a salad made of 100 gr of tomatoes, 25 gr of onions and 10 gr of olive oil = X gr P, Y gr C, Z gr F = Q calories. Will P, C, F and Q remain the same if I cook them? Ei : single entry on MFP as a salad and / or add them up in a recipe - nutritional values will remain the same but will it differentiate in reality?
Chat in the changing room last night about post workout meal. X talking about Y: You easily gain weight and should cut the carbs at night Me: why is that - post workout you need carbs irrelevantly of the time of the day Z (big fella on a cycle at the moment): no carbs at night - greens at the most. Me: greens are carbs...…
Live in the middle east and soon will have 1 week to 10 days holidays. Looking for a sports / workout camp / holidays retreat within 4 / 6 hours flight distance max. Not really in the mood for a classic normal holiday - I want to train, eat, train some more and then pass out somewhere kinda thing! Looked on google but…
Went from clean eating many moons ago to tracking macros and now curious to give it a shot at IF and assess the results. Been reading a bit but cannot find an answer to the following: From a daily macros / calories point of view, you base your standard daily consumption in the feeding window and meet normal macros /…