I did the program 3 years ago and was successful... then I moved from the US to the UK and became a stay-at-home mom for the first time ever. Good habits have kind of slipped away. Now I'm tracking to make sure I stay balanced. Anyway, I would like to befriend other graduates if you're out there! If you don't know what it…
For anyone who eats a ton of green vegs, do you ever worry about too much Vitamin A? Or any oher vitamins for that matter? I eat 2 small bags of raw spinach almost every day and am sitting here eating a head of red leaf lettuce for lunch. It's a lot of Vitamin A which I understand is fat-soluble not water-soluble so I know…
I looove my wine. Leggy, dark, rich, red wine. My eating has never really been a problem. I can eat spinach-and-berry smoothies, quinoa, plain Greek yogurt and chicken breasts for weeks on end and enjoy it. My weight issue is attributable to Wine... and a pint now and then. I don't drink every night and never have. But I…