No really, drugs have made some people flip out. Check out the video.
I am currently trying to up my protein levels without upping my sodium levels. Please post if you have any suggestions. Thank you.
Alright this is my first time posting pictures so forgive me if they don't work. Back story- I've been heavy all my life. This last year I gave birth to my beautiful son and decided that it was time to take my health into my hands and lose weight. Since starting on this site in January of 2012 I've lost 38 pounds. At my…
Every workout video I have ever done has done this. You are on the floor and doing the exercise when the trainer tells you to look at the position of the people doing the exercise which in turn is exactly what you are not suppose to do while exercising! It's really annoying. So now that I've finished the rant... what is…
So my husband and I decided to do urban gardening last year and we had a bunch of tomatoes. Since we had such a success last year we are trying our had at it this year, expanding our plants to include tomatoes, bell peppers, chives, basil, spinach, and strawberries. Now here are the questions: Who does urban gardening and…
We all have those things that make us want to make ourselves better, that's why we are here make ourselves better. Well I wanted to know just one thing that you love about yourself. The one thing that no matter what happens or how you change you love this. It doesn't have to be physical either. For me, one thing…