I've been heavy all my life. Wore huskies when I was a kid. I don't think I was under 200 pounds since 7th. or 8th. grade but I was always active and managed to keep within a range of 230 to 240. As I got older the weight kept getting put on and topped at at 280 and I had trouble closing size 44 pants. I did a lot of…
I use weight machines at the gym as part of my routine. Should I be using "workout" or "weights" to track on a Charge 2?
Hi, I've been heavy all of my life but until the past few years very active. As I get older (now 64) activity has slowed down and guess what, my weight has gone up. Well I've been at the point where I feel uncomfortable, clothes don't fit right, and hate looking in the mirror. I've joked that I start a diet on Monday but…