Cardio or Weight training/Strength..?
Ok so I always see this on debates. If you want that flat tummy look what is going to get you there Weights or lots of Cardio? If you say both, please explain. (PLEASE ONLY ANSWER THIS IF YOU KNOW YOUR STUFF.! NONE OF THIS HE SAID SHE SAID THINGS OR MY DOCTOR SAID, MY TRAINER SAID BLAH BLAH BLAH.. ) I WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU…
when you exercise how come this happens....?
How come when you exercise you start to not be as hungry anymore? I usually have to force myself to eat now, but before I could eat like nothing. Just wondering :)
what music down loader do you use?
Anyone remember LimeWire and FrostWire? Well both are shut down now. Does anyone know any other programs I can use to download music for FREE and also transfer it to my ipod/phone? What do you use? PLEASE AND THANKS :)