when you exercise how come this happens....?

How come when you exercise you start to not be as hungry anymore?

I usually have to force myself to eat now, but before I could eat like nothing.
Just wondering :)


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    How come when you exercise you start to not be as hungry anymore?

    I usually have to force myself to eat now, but before I could eat like nothing.
    Just wondering :)
    Usually for many it's the opposite effect.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • likeaphoenix28
    I'm the same way. The more I exercise, the more of an appetite suppresant it seems to be.
  • weaverfit
    weaverfit Posts: 124
    I find that sometimes exercise has something of an appetite suppressant effect on me but it often depends on how long it's been since I last ate. At times, I will exercise to hold off eating until a later time in the evening so I don't sneak/snack before bed.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    How come when you exercise you start to not be as hungry anymore?

    I usually have to force myself to eat now, but before I could eat like nothing.
    Just wondering :)
    Usually for many it's the opposite effect.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Same thing happens to me Im less hungry on days I exercise,and pretty much have to force myself to eat
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I WISH I had your problem...I am always starving after I work out!
  • My appertite is suppressed after cardio training, But stregth training leaves me starving, I always make sure to eat after though, prefferably with eggs after the stregh and banana after the cardio, I guess its down to genetics how your body reacts to exercise
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    When I very first started exercising, I wasn't hungry afterward. At all.

    After the first week, I still wasn't hungry after, but the next day, I was ravenous. I could have eaten anything.

    Now, I'm hungry right after, and sometimes I'm more hungry the day after, but I think I've gotten used to it. I try to eat back my exercise calories. (Sometimes I don't always eat them the day of and instead will add them the next day.)
  • Speedtrap
    Speedtrap Posts: 216
    One of my weight loss coaches explained it to me this way.
    When you exercise your bode is using adrenaline, (the same way you would in flight or fight but not as dramatic) when this happens your body shuts down some things, like food digestion and other non critical area. now I am not saying you will stop digesting, but is slows down.

    Our bodies are complex and over the years have developed specific methods for things. If you body and mind are releasing adrenaline, the body desides what is still needed for energy at that point in time. If you body thinks it is in danger what is more important food digestion or escape, it puts the energy where it is needed.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    When Serotonin levels rise in the brain it gives some people the same satisfaction they get from food.
    I read some people over eat because the pleasure center in the brain is less active.
  • Dmenace28
    Hunger is often physiological or conditioning. After a good workout, you mind may be elsewhere or preoccupied. A side effect would be not so much a loss of appetite but distraction or your body may be too busy repairing itself and wont “request” food until it requires building blocks or nutrients to build muscle. They say that for a body builder, 25mins after a workout is the best time to eat. You should consider feeding it what it needs as opposed to what taste great! Protein shakes are awesome but no substitute for a big *kitten* steak! Stay up top of eating like a schedule keeping in mind of what you’re trying to do. For builder… eat guys, eat!!! If your slimming, you should not eat before working out, let your body feed on itself while working out... then introduce nutrients. Nutrients DOES NOT MEAN SIMPLE CARBS; that’s a waste of a workout. Just trust me on this one... no carbs!Some will argue but Carbs are nothing but a big contradiction.

    That’s my guess anyway.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Overall I don't eat less with exercise but I can't eat immediately after exercise, is that what you mean?
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    It depends. Short term after exercising I generally am not hungry for a while. But overall, my appetite increases.

    When lifting weights, I am an insatiable beast. I cannot get enough food.
    When running, i'm not quite as bad, and that's when I noticed the short term not hungry situation more. But my appetite still goes up overall.
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    How come when you exercise you start to not be as hungry anymore?

    I usually have to force myself to eat now, but before I could eat like nothing.
    Just wondering :)

    Only my opinion here, but I think it is because I feel good. When I don't exercise I may get "bored" or just don't feel as good. Eating makes your feel good (chemically in the brain somehow) but when you already feel good you don't have the need to eat as much. (again, my opinion so don't start a flame war about not citing my sources)

    The important thing is to realize when you are REALLY hungry and eat, not just when something "sounds good". That's been my experience anyway.
  • purplerain011
    omg! I am the same way.When I workout, I'm never hungry till lunch/dinner time. But on the days I don't workout I eat so much more - according to my nutrition chart. :)
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    How come when you exercise you start to not be as hungry anymore?

    I usually have to force myself to eat now, but before I could eat like nothing.
    Just wondering :)

    I don't know, but it's awesome!!!
  • bmxpop
    bmxpop Posts: 353 Member
    I've noticed that when I get those evening cravings while watching TV, if I jump on the stationary bike for about 20-30 minutes, the hunger urges go away (temporarily). Then if and when they come back, I go to bed and ignore them.