Ive lost 30 pounds so far but today have switched to an electronic Cigarette. ive heard Smoking speeds up your metabolism...and when you quit you gain a lot of weight......... Fact or Fiction?
I love apples and oranges...but have been trying hard to just eat them on the rare occasion as they were also screwing up my sugar count.....17 grams in 1 Granny Smith apple......could an Admin from the site clarify whether natural sugars from fruit qualify as part of your daily consumption?....Thanks
Do you not burn calories when doing light upper body weight lifting? I was turned onto this site by a friend...Im 50...grossly overweight 5'7" 235 lbs....and live a very sedentary lifestyle due to back issues. Im starting slow...only doing 3 sets of 20 curls and presses of 10 pounds per each dumbell....and Ive started…