College campus eatting habits!
Hi everyone! I am a vegitarian college student who is having trouble finding low sugar foods to eat. The salad bar is pretty pitiful, but I do try to eat there twice a day. For breakfast I normally have oatmeal with a bit of honey, and whatever fresh fruit is available, but I still tend to go over on my sugar intake. Any…
Homecoming is in THREE weeks!
Hi! ok, homecoming is three weeks away, and i would LOVE to be down Two pounds by then! :) Maintaining what I am at right now is ok too! My dress is super cute, and i would hate to have to sqeeze myself into it the morning of! Anyways to keep me motivated during these last couple weeks would be very very great! :) Thanks…
He Ate My Pie!!!!!
Ok, I made a delicious Apple pie last night, but since I went over my calories for the night (we had a small party), I decided I would have some in the morning. Before hitting the hay, I announced to the entire house that There had better be pie when I got up in the morning. Morning arrives, and NO PIE!!!!!! :sad: I asked…
The banana, or the knock off lucky charms??
Ok, Im hungry, and I have two choices, the banana, (90 calories) or the fake lucky charms (180 calories will almond milk). Technically i can have either one with my calorie alotment, but I DO want to be healthy.....gosh darn it! i will prevail! Banana it is!!! :)
Hi everyone! :) My name is Virginia. Im 18 years old, and I am really glad I found this website! Though I am here to lose alittle weight, I am more concerned about the working out side of things. A few questions I have, What are your favorite workouts?? :) I like to take my time with my workouts, mostly jogging, and ab…