not so motivated.
17 pounds lost, im happy that the change is noticableee. but stiilll u knoww. gotta long way to go.:D
my battleee :)
k not sure how to properly put my picture upppp . http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/417143_10151403539995177_888915176_23322206_1834954781_n.jpg theres a linnnkk being overweight sucks . so i decided to do something about it :)
can anyonee recommend healthy foooods for those who are brokee alot of the timmme. i used to eat mostly sandwiches and pasta and stuff like that cuz it was cheap. but now pasta has WAYYYY to many carbs for my liking an im not much of a bread liker.... and i also dont like many meats so iv resorted to eating like broccoli…
anyyyboddyy here frommm british columbia?? :D im curiousssssss .pluss if u r letss be friends,
im new to thiss.
OKAYYY! sso im new to this so i dont know if this is how i would get help... iv been struggling with weight for...forever so what i need help with IS . i need to know an exercise or exercises that will target mostly mid section. i do sit ups an go on my ab circle pro....which kills btw but i uess im wondering if theres…