****CT ARMY NEWS: I will continue my food journal here on MFP however I am changing the name Chocolate Thunder Army to the CT Militia in honor of my new sponsor and friend (Machine Militia & Marc Lobliner)***** Find us on the following http://ctguess.tumblr.com/ https://www.facebook.com/CTGuess78…
Counting Macros & Calories
Hey Team, Many times I notice we celebrate deep caloric deficits, which is great for weight loss. However, there are only so many variable we can change to lose weight and keep muscle before we plateau and have to make drastic change to jump start our fat loss again. I would like to start a dialogue based on my associate…
Do you believe in cheat or treat meals
Do you believe in cheat or treat meals during a weight loss prep or bulking? Please share how you work through cravings or enjoy certain foods that may be considered "unclean"
Follow the CT ARMY on Instagram
Ok CT Army & supporters I joined Instagram for all interested my daily progress and new MFP CT members I meet https://instagram.com/p/XXSDeiMOq2/embed/
Meeting C.T Army Member
Hey Guys. I truly enjoyed meeting our army member in Dallas. In two week I plan to attend a fitness competition for our girl and member ruthie. Reach out to to other members in your area, train together, and ask about them if you have not seen them at the gym or on line. For example: Member naenae7888 has been missing in…
Our Youtube Channel
coreynguess Hey MFP fam and CT army In order to make our group a bit more tangible I am creating a YouTube channel for us to receive tips, ask questions, and to view events and contest we attend in support of each other. Please subscribe to 4FControl on YouTube. I will continue making videos and attaching your videos to…
Hair and Cardio
Ladies, I am asking this question on behalf of my wife. She just got her hair done and she is upset because the can no longer do cardio. Background. She is a black woman who wears a natural and just got her hair pressed. QUESTION: LADIES: If you are in my wife's situation how do you make sure you get your cardio done or…
What Challenge Can the C.T Army Support in 2013
C.T Army, I am looking for those of you who have calendared a fitness challenge for 2013. If you have C,T personnel in or around your area I would like for us to show support but participating in or attending the given race, contest, walk or run. Please share so I may post dates and locations. General C.T
Dating and Weight Gain
Hey everyone, I was reading an article about how friends or even who you date can make you fat. Here is the question? Have you ever had to dump or stop being friends with someone for the the sake of your physical health? Please share and take a look at the article below…
Skinny Fat: The Reason You're the Same Fat Shape
This post was directed at my ladies soldiers however, I notice guys who are trying to lose weight are doing this too. I notice several people on MFP recording calories burned in long cardio sessions. Rarely, do I see people who include lifting 3+ times a week in their regular routine. One question I hear from people who…
Faith and Fitness
I know for most of us our goal is lose weight, do a competition, be healthier or just feel better. While in church today the C.T Army came across my mind and I thought: WHAT ROLE DOES FAITH PLAY IN YOU ACHIEVING YOUR FITNESS GOALS? I know some of the Army may not be Christians but the purpose of the conversation is to…
Chocolate Thunder T-Shirts
Hey Team, I am designing the C.T Army T-shirts. I would appreciate your input on colors, tang tops, V-necks etc. The first 20 C.T Army members doing a fitness competition or who attend on behalf of a fellow enlistee will receive a free t-shirt. The cost of the t-shirts is $10. For anyone who would like to sponsor my dream…
I.F Intermittent Fast
Has anyone heard of I.F or Intermittent Fast. I usually cut up sing the 6-8 small meals a day. But I am interested in I.F. Check out these videos and give me your thoughts.…